Which BMX Multi-tool is the best?

Which BMX Multi-tool is the best?

So you need a BMX Mulit-tool..
Which one is the best?

Multi-tool testing with team rider Richie Freeman

In the world of BMX multi-tools there are quite a few options to pick from. And it really depends on what you're looking for. Whether it be the most affordable, the most portable, or the most features. In the video below Richie goes over all that information, and puts some of those tools to the test.

Check out what Richie thinks about the Odyssey Travel tool, the Merritt Trifecta, and the Shadow Multi-Tool!

While we weren't able to go over every multi-tool out there, we tried to show off the ones we see picked up the most. a few honorable mentions would be the DK Random Wrench, and the Cult Crew Pocket tool! Pick up any of these tools here at POWERSBMX.COM !

Here's all the tools featured in this video!

Merritt Trifecta Multi-Tool

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